Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

As I write my next installment I want to try to take you to where I am. Its very dark, with lots of loud noises, accompanied by bright strobes of lights and guttural bass coursing through my body. It seems as if everything is awry and nothing is going to according to plan, chaos is afoot. I will give you three guesses on where I am.

No, not in the guy's bathroom of a Chi-Chi's restaurant on All-you-can eat Taco Tuesdays.

False, not starting the REVOLUTION!

Wrong, not watching Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen.

Well, good try everyone. Actually I am sitting through one hell of a thunderstorm. Which unlike your third guess, is actually pretty wicked. Also might I mention that this thunderstorm is free and I get to watch it from my LoveSac. So with that out of the way...
Ok so yeah, I saw Trans 2 awhile ago. I know, I know. But just like an evil villain can't get away in the end of most action films (which my life is) neither can Michael Bay. It's time to pay the piper Mr. Bay, and here I come.

Yes, a thunderstorm is taking place outside of my apartment.

Yes, the thunderstorm is free.

Yes, I would have rather paid 21 dolla dolla bills for the thunderstorm and gotten more excitement, loud noises, and explosions than Transformers 2 in IMAX.

This post is actually quite old so I am going to wrap it up quickly here, get it in the bag. Things you should know about Transformers 2. This film does have a reason for existing, I will defend it in one sense. The CGI and Digital Effects in this film alone have helped to push the industry along to amazing heights. Yes although the story is awful (Egypt and the pyramids and primitive cromagnon-man overthrowing powerful robots) and horrible acting (No Megan Fox's bust size does not save the words that come out of her mouth), ahem, the Special Effects and digital FX that go into this film still give me goosebumps. So thank you Michael for making yet another money pit of a film, but in all seriousness, thanks for helping the next good film in need of amazing digital FX to have the access to them thanks to your raucous budget.

Banana-meter: 3.2/10 Bananas

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